✦ Mode
Authentication from two countries
Ministry of Education, Chinese and Canadian permits.
Three levels of Curriculum
Canadian BC curriculum, Maple Leaf Mandarin courses, and School Clubs.
World-wide educational recognition
MLFNSD education is recognized globally and our students can easily adapt to all schools around the world.
✦ Goal
MLFNSD is aiming to teach students to become life-long learners, develop deep understandings of Chinese culture and language, and evolve into excellent problem solvers and responsible global citizens.
✦ Curriculum
Canadian BC curriculum is a student-centered curriculum and help students develop three core competencies (Know-Do-Understand).
ML Mandarin course has Chinese characteristics.
School has various clubs.
✦ International Curriculum
Canadian BC Curriculum has three key features that make up the foundation of learning: Content (what students need to know); Curricular Competencies (academic skills students develop with practice); Big Ideas (what students will understand). Additionally, the Canadian BC Curriculum is student-focused and allows students to develop ownership over their own “Core Competencies”. These areas include Communication (how we speak, cooperate, listen and engage), Thinking (how we think creatively and problem solve), and Personal & Social Responsibility (how we are responsible for ourselves, others, and the community).
✦ Immersed Mandarin Class
School offers students different levels of Mandarin and Chinese cultural classes according to their different Mandarin abilities using Maple Leaf Mandarin 1-9 developed by Maple Leaf Educational System. Students who have great Mandarin abilities, use Mandarin Curriculum of China to meet their academic and language arts requirements. Our school also offers students Chinese Cultural classes which contains various topics like traditional skills, festivals, arts, modern China, area culture, historical characters, traditional customs, folk art, national customs, food culture, martial arts, etc. FNSD also offers students opportunities to take Mandarin tests of YCT and HSK.
✦ International Qualifications
MLFNSD uses Canadian BC curriculum and is accredited by the BC Ministry of Education. Our students receive Personal Education Numbers with the British Columbia Ministry of Education and their report cards are internationally recognized. Our school is required to recruit certified teachers from British Columbia Ministry of Education, Canada. MLFNSD is a recognized BC Offshore School and undergoes rigorous annual inspection by the BC Ministry of Education.
In addition, MLFNSD is also accredited by the world’s largest accreditation organization: Cognia. Cognia is based in the United States and oversees the accreditation of over 35,000 school world-wide.
Certified Duke Of Edinburgh Award operation center
Host multiple international events
✦ Small Class Size
Respect individuals. Teach in accordance with student’s aptitude. Multicultural environment. Care, Share and Dare.